Category Archives: General
FXW latest video lesson recording now available for download
Today’s webinar lesson recording is now available for download from the Video Vault, here at FXW. You need to be a full member or be on our free 30 day guest membership program to view this recording. The direct download … Continue reading
Central banks to fund governments from now on?
Imagine what would happen if Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke and Hillary Clinton were to issue a joint statement on fighting deflation that was in turn prominently displayed under the monetary policy section of the Fed’s website …. Unthinkable? Well, it … Continue reading
Confluence Panel software upgrade for DayTrader chart package
FXW today released a software upgrade which allows full members to optionally upgrade their DayTrader & DayTrader Plus charting packages with a confluence panel overview chart. This is the last of three overview panels which together present traders with a … Continue reading
Central banks make an historic turn
“When the economic history of the 21st century is written, September 2012 is likely to be recorded as a defining moment, almost as important as September 2008″suggests award-winning journalist and financial economist, Anatole Kaletsky The rest of this thought provoking article … Continue reading
FXW August review YouTube upload
We have uploaded to YouTube, a short overview of what happened here at FXW, during August. You can find it here:
How to take a membership break here at FXW
Membership here at FXW breaks down into two basic parts. The first part is the Video lessons course with it’s associated resources and the second part is a monthly support package. When you first join FXW, you get life time access … Continue reading
What makes a rogue trader?
Well, it turns out that humans behave just like other animals. When they have lost a significant amount of money, they become risk-seekers.Read the full story here
Feeling all at sea?
In these rough trading conditions, it is easy to feel ‘all at sea’ , but remember ….